Racing & more

About exploring the world, discovering the unknown & pushing limits
Adventure Racing Rachel Nolan

Rachel Nolan

This blog is a big mix of all the things I’m passionate about: Adventure Racing, endurance cycling & trail running, the great outdoors, yoga & travel.

Enjoy browsing through my personal reports about races & challenges or check out my tips for adventure racing and ultra/endurance sport. 

You can also find some anecdotes of my world wandering adventures like cycling around Cuba or doing a Yoga Teacher Training in India in the ‘Travel & lifestyle‘ section of my blog. 

Adventure(&)Racing Tips

Rachel's Latest Challenges

Travel & other Adventures


My favourite hobby is Adventure Racing. Adventure Races brilliantly combine my favourite sport disciplines like mountain biking, trail running and kayaking, with my love for the wild outdoors and exploring new places. 

Between Adventure Races, I also love to take on other endurance challenges. I enjoy ultra, trail & mountain running or unsupported long-distance cycling events. Anything that gets me out to explore and allows me to push beyond the comfort zone.

A part of this blog is all about my passion for endurance sports and the great outdoors. You’ll find reports about Challenges & Races that I took on, as well as Tips & Advise for fellow outdoor enthusiasts and athletes. 

I’m also an Irish travel designer and local guide. Since 2016 I run my own tour company Rachel’s Irish Adventure.

All my Ireland tours reflect on my own love for travelling, exploring countries, and experiencing the lively traditions of a foreign culture. Therefore, I specialise in private & small group tours of Ireland to get my guests ‘off the beaten path’ and guarantee an immersive and personal Irish experience.

Your adventure is where you find yourself.